Crafting Code

Crafting Code

How to Implement Multithreading in C#

Implementing Multithreading in C#

To implement Multithreading in C#, follow these steps: Identify concurrent tasks, choose an approach (e.g., Thread class or async/await), create threads/tasks, start them, ensure thread safety with synchronization techniques, wait for completion, and handle exceptions Multithreading refers to the concurrent…

How to create a Stored Procedure in SQL

Creating Stored Procedures in SQL

To create a stored procedure in SQL, firstly use the CREATE PROCEDURE statement followed by the procedure name and optionally define input parameters. Then, enclose the procedure’s SQL logic within the AS keyword, BEGIN, and END. Finally, execute the SQL script to create the stored procedure in the…

RBAC vs. ABAC: Knowing the Difference


Understanding the difference between Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) vs. Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC) is important for making better decisions about access management. The primary difference between RBAC and ABAC lies in their approaches to granting access. RBAC operates by assigning…



ASP.NET Web API is a powerful framework that allows developers to build and consume HTTP services. It is a part of the broader ASP.NET framework and is designed to simplify the creation of RESTful APIs. Unlike traditional ASP.NET MVC, which…

Understanding OOPs Concepts in C#

OOPs concepts in C#

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is a paradigm that revolutionized software development by introducing a more organized and modular approach. In the context of OOP concepts in C#, which is a versatile and widely-used programming language, understanding these principles is crucial for…

Delegates in C#

Delegates in C# - Alt Image

Delegates in C# plays an important role in facilitating the implementation of function pointers and callback mechanisms. They provide a powerful means of achieving decoupling between components, enhancing code flexibility, and enabling advanced programming paradigms. In this tutorial, we will…