Crafting Code

Crafting Code

How to Implement Middleware Pipeline in ASP.NET Core

Implementing Middleware Pipeline in ASP.NET Core

With ASP.NET Core, middleware pipeline functions as a lightweight, flexible mechanism that enables developers to plug in functionality at different stages of the request pipeline. These middleware components can perform a wide array of tasks, such as logging, authentication, authorization,…

How to Create Functions in SQL

Functions in SQL

Functions in SQL are essential tools used in database management systems to perform various operations on data. They encapsulate reusable blocks of code that accept input parameters, process them, and return a result. These functions serve a crucial role in…

Priority Queues in C#

Priority Queue in C#

Priority queues plays an important role in effective task management systems, where tasks are assigned priority levels based on their urgency, importance, or other criteria. By using priority queues, tasks can be organized and processed according to their priority, ensuring…

How to Implement Queue in C#

Implementing Queue in C#

To implement a queue in C#, start by defining a queue class and declaring a suitable data structure like an array or linked list. Implement methods for enqueueing, dequeuing, and optionally peeking at elements. Handle edge cases like an empty…

How to Implement Stack in C#

Implementing Stack in C#

To implement stack in C#, you can choose between arrays or linked lists. For array-based implementation, define a class with methods like Push(), Pop(), and Peek()to add, remove, and view elements respectively. Linked list implementation involves defining a class with…

How to Implement Linked Lists in C#

Implement Linked Lists in C#

To implement linked lists in C#, first define a Node class with data and next (for singly linked lists) or previous (for doubly linked lists) pointers. Then, create a LinkedList class with head and tail nodes. For singly lists, implement…

How to create and use Array in C#?

Creating and Using Array in C#

To implement arrays in C#, follow these steps: declare the array with the appropriate data type and size, initialize it by assigning values to its elements using indexing, iterate through the array using loops, access and modify elements using their…